Monday, October 16, 2006

Coffee for the Uninformed

A new cafe is opening in my library tomorrow.

I hate it.

Sure, it's nice looking. This time, the architects and designers succeeded in making the addition look like the rest of the building. And I love coffee.

So what's the problem? The new cafe has completely replaced our reference collection and services.

Awful, huh? You don't know the half of it.


Anonymous said...

Good article by Robert Campbell. Let's hope it sheds the light on what needs NOT to change.
I think someone who works there at the library should write, anomanouisly(sp), to the same paper as a follow up. What do you think?

Ben Ide said...

Thanks, Ma.

I hope so.

In the meanwhile, check out this op/ed piece in the Crimson:

The comments are interesting, too.

Ben Ide said...

I so very much regret the irony I created when I called you sentimental for books.

Very, very much regret it.